Saturday, January 5, 2013

Roses + Hot Pink Taxis

Finally.  In.  Bangkok.

A few minutes after going through immigration, I was wandering down the line of drivers, hotel shuttles, and family members standing and holding signs with different people's names on them.  I saw a sign for "KRISTINA"  and a sign for "Mrs. Frieberg" (I thought both may be looking for my roommate Kristina Freeberg who wasn't planning on landing for another couple hours....), but no signs with anything that remotely looked like "Pyle" on them.

I waited exactly where the Sasin Business School folks told us to.  I almost fell asleep sitting on top of my suitcase.  Since I couldn't turn on my iPhone and pass the time playing Family Fued, I decided to walk up and down the row of people holding signs again.

Then I saw it.  A giant picture of my face on a piece of paper staring right back at me.  Now, I'm not going to lie - anytime there is a mirror within 20 feet of me, I'm going to look at myself.  Bad hair day?  Great hair day?  You always want to know!  Whether or not you like to look at yourself in the mirror multiple times before walking out the door each morning -- seeing a big ole picture of yourself on a sheet of paper in a foreign country is freaky.   It actually scared me for a minute!

I rushed up to the driver from the business school, pointed, and said, "that's me!"   He shook his head, pointing at the picture, then back at me.  He kept shaking his head.  The picture was me back when I was blonde.  And this man was convinced that it was not me.  I still need to come to the realization that no many how many bedtime prayers I say about it, I will never be a natural blonde.....

As I'm sure you can guess, I just had to show the driver my passport for him to believe me.  So, we were off  for downtown Bangkok.

It took a good 45 minutes to get from the airport to the student housing.... and the most exciting part of the drive was discovering that Bangkok has HOT PINK TAXIS.    I'm all for the traditional yellow and black cabs we see all over NYC... very American, after all.   But, it was pretty cool when I then started spotting more hot pink ones, bright blue, neon yellow, coral.....  Whoever's job it is to pick the new taxi cab colors in Bangkok has got it pretty good.

My room at the Sasa House
Riiiight as I was pulling up to the Sasa House (the international student housing right across the street from Sasin), Matt, Carlyn, and Jen (another Kellogg student) were walking down the street the Sasa House is on.  Missed them by 2 minutes!

We ended up meeting up later, and the time at the Sasa house to unpack, check emails, and even catch up with my siblings by texting on the iPad!

Flying for 35 hours realllly gives a woman cankles.  You know, the swollen ankle that just morphs right into a calf?   I had to get out of my jeans and into my gym shorts.  My plan to head to the gym was thwarted by a  knock on the door....

A little lady (standing up straight, she was well below my shoulder) popped her head in the door and handed me a vase.

Thank you, Jeff for the amazing flowers!!!!

I still don't know how you figured out (1) how to get flowers delivered in Bangkok  (2)  where I was staying (3)  what room I'm in  (4)  how you timed it so they arrived 30 minutes after I did :)

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